Augmented HTML

v 1.1 (July 2023)
Please Notice:
some elements may appear badly formatted in pages using Bootstrap

Macro Elements Tags

LRFORM custom tag

LRFORM is a custom login/register form with parameters
LRFORM has 3 parameters: action, defemail, defpassword
<lrform action="scriptname" defemail="user@domain" defpassword="pass"> </lrform>

LRFORM can be styled via CSS addressing the .lrform class and its elements: input type email, input type password, button
LRFORM element examples:
lrform tag without parameters

lrform tag with parameters

CTFORM custom tag

CTFORM is a custom contacts form with parameters
CTFORM has 7 parameters: action, name, surname, city, country, email and phone
<ctform action="scriptname" name="label name" surname="label surname" email="user@domain" city="label city" country="label country" phone= "label phone"> </ctform>

CTFORM can be styled via CSS addressing the .ctform class and its elements: input type email, input type text, input type tel, button
CTFORM element examples:
ctform tag without parameters

ctform tag with parameters

COLORCARD custom tags

COLORCARD and relevant tags are blurred and colored card tags
COLORCARD has 4 parameters: color, img, width and height
COLORCARD and relevant tags use:
<colorcard color="(color)" img="(path)" width="(img width)" height="(img height)">
(your content here)

COLORCARD and relevant tags have default style width=250px
COLORCARD and relevant tags can be styled via CSS addressing the relevant class
default width is 250px COLORCARD and relevant tags element examples:
colorcard tag with only color parameters
Your content goes here. It can include HTML tags, and also other custom tags

colorcard tag with all parameters
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut pellentesque tortor. Nam viverra velit eget ex viverra euismod. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.

BLUECARD custom tags (obsolete)

BLUECARD and relevant tags are blurred and colored card tags
BLUECARD and relevant tags have 3 parameters: img, width and height
BLUECARD and relevant tags use:
<bluecard img="(path)" width="(img width)" height="(img height)">
(text here)

BLUECARD and relevant tags have default style width=250px
BLUECARD and relevant tags can be styled via CSS addressing the relevant class
default width is 250px BLUECARD and relevant tags element examples:
bluecard tag without parameters
Your content goes here. It can include HTML tags, and also other custom tags

bluecard tag with parameters
Your content goes here. It can include HTML tags, and also other custom tags

BLACKCARD custom tags (obsolete)

BLACKCARD and relevant tags are blurred and colored card tags
BLACKCARD and relevant tags have 3 parameters: img, width and height
BLACKCARD and relevant tags use:
<blackcard img="(path)" width="(img width)" height="(img height)">
(text here)

BLACKCARD and relevant tags have default style width=250px
BLACKCARD and relevant tags can be styled via CSS addressing the relevant class
default width is 250px BLACKCARD and relevant tags element examples:
blackcard tag without parameters
Your content goes here. It can include HTML tags, and also other custom tags

blackcard tag with parameters
Your content goes here. It can include HTML tags, and also other custom tags

REDCARD custom tags (obsolete)

REDCARD and relevant tags are blurred and colored card tags
REDCARD and relevant tags have 3 parameters: img, width and height
REDCARD and relevant tags use:
<redcard img="(path)" width="(img width)" height="(img height)">
(text here)

REDCARD and relevant tags have default style width=250px
REDCARD and relevant tags can be styled via CSS addressing the relevant class
default width is 250px REDCARD and relevant tags element examples:
redcard tag without parameters
Your content goes here. It can include HTML tags, and also other custom tags

redcard tag with parameters
Your content goes here. It can include HTML tags, and also other custom tags

GREENCARD custom tags (obsolete)

GREENCARD and relevant tags are blurred and colored card tags
GREENCARD and relevant tags have 3 parameters: img, width and height
GREENCARD and relevant tags use:
<greencard img="(path)" width="(img width)" height="(img height)">
(text here)

GREENCARD and relevant tags have default style width=250px
GREENCARD and relevant tags can be styled via CSS addressing the relevant class
default width is 250px GREENCARD and relevant tags element examples:
greencard tag without parameters
Your content goes here. It can include HTML tags, and also other custom tags

greencard tag with parameters
Your content goes here. It can include HTML tags, and also other custom tags

YELLOWCARD custom tags (obsolete)

YELLOWCARD and relevant tags are blurred and colored card tags
YELLOWCARD and relevant tags have 3 parameters: img, width and height
YELLOWCARD and relevant tags use:
<yellowcard img="(path)" width="(img width)" height="(img height)">
(text here)

YELLOWCARD and relevant tags have default style width=250px
YELLOWCARD and relevant tags can be styled via CSS addressing the relevant class
default width is 250px YELLOWCARD and relevant tags element examples:
yellowcard tag without parameters
Your content goes here. It can include HTML tags, and also other custom tags

yellowcard tag with parameters
Your content goes here. It can include HTML tags, and also other custom tags

VIOLETCARD custom tags (obsolete)

VIOLETCARD and relevant tags are blurred and colored card tags
VIOLETCARD and relevant tags have 3 parameters: img, width and height
VIOLETCARD and relevant tags use:
<violetcard img="(path)" width="(img width)" height="(img height)">
(text here)

VIOLETCARD and relevant tags have default style width=250px
VIOLETCARD and relevant tags can be styled via CSS addressing the relevant class
default width is 250px VIOLETCARD and relevant tags element examples:
violetcard tag without parameters
Your content goes here. It can include HTML tags, and also other custom tags

violetcard tag with parameters
Your content goes here. It can include HTML tags, and also other custom tags

Single Elements Tags

TEXTFIELD custom tag

TEXTFIELD is a custom text input element
TEXTFIELD has 2 parameters: size and placeholder
<textfield size="30" placeholder="text here"></textfield>

TEXTFIELD can be styled via CSS addressing the .textfield class
TEXTFIELD element examples:
textfield tag without parameters

textfield tag with parameters

EMAILFIELD custom tag

EMAILFIELD is a custom email input element
EMAILFIELD has 2 parameters: size and placeholder
<emailfield size="30" placeholder="user@domain"></emailfield>

EMAILFIELD can be styled via CSS addressing the .emailfield class
EMAILFIELD element examples:
emailfield tag without parameters

emailfield tag with parameters

PASSFIELD custom tag

PASSFIELD is a custom password input element
PASSFIELD has 2 parameters: size and placeholder
<passfield size="30" placeholder="yourpassword"></passfield>

PASSFIELD can be styled via CSS addressing the .passfield class
PASSFIELD element examples:
passfield tag without parameters

passfield tag with parameters

DATEFIELD custom tag

DATEFIELD is a custom date input element
DATEFIELD has 2 parameters: min and max
<datefield min="(start date)" max="(end date)"></datefield>

DATEFIELD can be styled via CSS addressing the .datefield class
DATEFIELD element examples:
datefield tag without parameters

datefield tag with parameters

CHECK custom tag
CHECK is a custom checkbox element
CHECK has 1 parameter: value
CHECK use:
<check value="(value here)" ></check>

CHECK can be styled via CSS addressing the .check class
CHECK element examples:

RADIO custom tag
RADIO is a custom radiobox element
RADIO has 2 parameters: value and choiceset
RADIO use:
<radio value="(value here)" choiceset="(set here)"></radio>

RADIO can be styled via CSS addressing the .radio class
RADIO element examples:

COLORBOX custom tag
COLORBOX is a custom colorbox selection element
COLORBOX has 1 parameters: value (hexadecimal)
<colorbox value="(value here)"></colorbox>

COLORBOX can be styled via CSS addressing the .colorbox class
COLORBOX element examples:
Pick a color

UPLOAD custom tag
UPLOAD is a custom upload element
UPLOAD has 1 parameters: name
<upload name="(name here)"></upload>

UPLOAD can be styled via CSS addressing the .upload class
UPLOAD element examples:
Select file to upload

SUBMIT custom tag
SUBMIT is a custom submit element
SUBMIT has 1 parameters: name
<submit name="(name here)"></submit>

SUBMIT can be styled via CSS addressing the .submit class
SUBMIT element examples:
Click to submit data

RESET custom tag
RESET is a custom reset element
RESET has no parameters
RESET use:

RESET can be styled via CSS addressing the .reset class
RESET element examples:
Click to reset data

SLIDER custom tag
SLIDER is a custom slider input element
SLIDER has 3 parameters: value, min and max
<slider value="(value)" min="(minimum value)" max="(maximum value)"></slider>

SLIDER can be styled via CSS addressing the .slider class
SLIDER element examples:
slider tag without parameters

slider tag with parameters (value = 25)
0 100

GROUP custom tag

GROUP is a custom grouping element
GROUP has 2 parameter: label, disabled
GROUP can only be used inside a blockquote, a table TD, or a div
GROUP use (see example panel for details):
<group label="(caption here)" disabled>
(other tags here)

GROUP can be styled via CSS addressing the group tag
GROUP element examples:
Group with form fiels inside a blockquote
Birth date
Upload your image:
Pick your favourite color

Reset fields
Group with form fiels inside a blockquote but fields are disabled
Birth date
Upload your image:
Pick your favourite color

Reset fields
Group inside a table cell
Birth date

Reset fields

H0 custom tag
H0 is a sizable header
H0 size is in pixels
H0 use:
<h0 size="(amount in pizels)"> Text here  </h0>

H0 can be styled via CSS addressing the tag name
H0 tags examples
Text size 30px Text size 50px

BUBBLETEXT custom tag
BUBBLETEXT is a shadowing/bordering tag for text
BUBBLETEXT uses 2 parameters: color and blur
<bubbletext color="red" blur="2"> single line text here  </bubbletext>

BUBBLETEXT can be styled via CSS addressing the tag name
BUBBLETEXT consumes much space around the text line, so spaces must be increased in web page
typically of 3 paragraphs
BUBBLETEXT tag examples

grey spread shadow with low blur

yellow spread shadow with medium blur

lime spread shadow with high blur

MUSIC custom tag
MUSIC is an audio tag
MUSIC uses 1 parameter: file (mandatory)
MUSIC use:
<music file="music.mp3"> </music>

MUSIC only accepts .mp3 and .ogg files
MUSIC tag example

BGMUSIC custom tag
BGMUSIC is an background audio tag
BGMUSIC has 1 parameters: file (mandatory)
BGMUSIC only accepts .mp3 and .ogg files
BGMUSIC loops a music in background with autoplay
BGMUSIC autoplay may not be supported for all extensions and browsers
BGMUSIC has no graphical interface
<bgmusic file="bgmusic.mp3"> </bgmusic>
BGMUSIC only accepts .mp3 and .ogg files

Formatting Tags

RED - BLUE - GREEN - YELLOW - VIOLET are colorizing tags
RED - BLUE - GREEN - YELLOW - VIOLET use no parameters
<red> text here  </red>

RED - BLUE - GREEN - YELLOW - VIOLET can be styled via CSS addressing the tag name
RED - BLUE - GREEN - YELLOW - VIOLET tags examples
this text is in red
this text is in blue
this text is in green
this text is in yellow
this text is in violet

BI - BU - IU custom tag
BI - BU - IU are formatting tags
BI - BU - IU use no parameters
BI - BU - IU use:
<bi> text here </bi>

BI - BU - IU can be styled via CSS addressing the tag name
BI - BU - IU tags examples
this text is in bold italic
this text is in bold underline
this text is in italic underline

SHADOW custom tag
SHADOW is a shadowing tag for text
SHADOW uses 2 parameters: color and blur
<shadow color="red" blur="2"> text here  </shadow>

SHADOW can be styled via CSS addressing the tag name
SHADOW tag examples
green shadow with minimum blur
blue shadow with medium blur
purple shadow with high blur

MIRROR custom tag
MIRROR is a reverse text tag tags
MIRROR use no parameters
<mirror> text to reverse here  </mirror>

MIRROR can be styled via CSS addressing the tag name
MIRROR tags examples
this text is reversed
this text is in also reversed

RIGHT - LEFT custom tag
RIGHT and LEFT are alignment tags
RIGHT and LEFT use no parameters
RIGHT and LEFT use:
<right> text to align here  </right>
<left> text to align here  </left>

RIGHT and LEFT can be styled via CSS addressing the tag name
RIGHT and LEFT tags examples
this text is aligned to te right this text is aligned to the left
RIGHT and LEFT also work with paragraph and multiple rows text
RIGHT and LEFT can also include other HTML tags, images included
this text is aligned to the right
in multipe rows and with image

Notice that formatting tags can be nested, using the following rules:
  1. Standard HTML font sizing prevails on custom tags size
  2. bi, bu, iu custom tags prevail on all formatting custom tags
  3. Shadow custom tag prevails on Red/Green/etc custom tags
  4. Red/Green/etc custom tags prevail on Mirror custom tag

This code creates a font size 5 (big) mirrored red bold-italic text with grey shadow:
<font size="5">
<bi><shadow color="grey" blur="2"><red><mirror> This text is multiformatted </mirror></red></shadow></bi>

This text is multiformatted

Real-life use examples

Example panel

Custom personal form created with single custom elements

Birth date
Male Female
Upload you rimage:
Pick your favourite color

Reset fields


<form action="try.php" method="post">
<textfield size="30" placeholder="Name here"></textfield> Name<br>
<textfield size="30" placeholder="Surname here"></textfield> Surname<br>
<emailfield size="30" placeholder="user@domain"></emailfield> Email<br>
<datefield min="1900-01-01" max="2021-01-30"></datefield> Birth date<br>
<radio value="male" choiceset="sex"></radio> Male 
<radio value="female" choiceset="sex"></radio> Female<br>
Upload you rimage: <upload name="picture"></upload> <br>
<colorbox value="#FF0000"></colorbox> Pick your favourite color<br>
<submit name="send">Submit data</submit> <reset></reset>

Grouped form fields inside blockquote:

Birth date
Male Female
Upload your image:
Pick your favourite color

Reset fields
The code:
<group label="ciao bello"> 
<form action="try.php" method="post">
<textfield size="30" placeholder="Name here"></textfield> Name<br>
<textfield size="30" placeholder="Surname here"></textfield> Surname<br>
<emailfield size="30" placeholder="user@domain"></emailfield> Email<br>
<datefield min="1900-01-01" max="2021-01-30"></datefield> Birth date<br>
<radio value="male" choiceset="sex"></radio> Male
<radio value="female" choiceset="sex"></radio> Female<br>
Upload your image: <upload name="picture"></upload> <br>
<colorbox value="#FF0000"></colorbox> Pick your favourite color<br>
<submit name="send"></submit> <reset>Reset fields</reset>

Grouped form fields inside table cell:

Birth date
Male Female

Reset fields
The code:
<table width=0 border=1>
<group label="Insert your data"> 
<form action="try.php" method="post">
<textfield size="30" placeholder="Name here"></textfield> Name<br>
<textfield size="30" placeholder="Surname here"></textfield> Surname<br>
<emailfield size="30" placeholder="user@domain"></emailfield> Email<br>
<datefield min="1900-01-01" max="2021-01-30"></datefield> Birth date<br>
<radio value="male" choiceset="sex"></radio> Male
<radio value="female" choiceset="sex"></radio> Female<br>
<submit name="send"></submit> <reset>Reset fields</reset>

Grouped form fields inside div:

Birth date
Male Female

Reset fields

The code:

<group label="Insert your data"> 
<form action="try.php" method="post">
<textfield size="30" placeholder="Name here"></textfield> Name<br>
<textfield size="30" placeholder="Surname here"></textfield> Surname<br>
<emailfield size="30" placeholder="user@domain"></emailfield> Email<br>
<datefield min="1900-01-01" max="2021-01-30"></datefield> Birth date<br>
<radio value="male" choiceset="sex"></radio> Male 
<radio value="female" choiceset="sex"></radio> Female<br>
<submit name="send"></submit> <reset>Reset fields</reset>

Card grid inside table

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut pellentesque tortor. Nam viverra velit eget ex viverra euismod. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Bluecard
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut pellentesque tortor. Nam viverra velit eget ex viverra euismod. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Blackcard
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut pellentesque tortor. Nam viverra velit eget ex viverra euismod. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Redcard
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut pellentesque tortor. Nam viverra velit eget ex viverra euismod. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Greencard
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut pellentesque tortor. Nam viverra velit eget ex viverra euismod. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Yellowcard
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut pellentesque tortor. Nam viverra velit eget ex viverra euismod. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Violetcard
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut pellentesque tortor. Nam viverra velit eget ex viverra euismod. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Colorcard lime no image
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ut pellentesque tortor. Nam viverra velit eget ex viverra euismod. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Colorcard aqua w. image

Vivacity Design Web Agency
Responsabile: Alessandro Demontis

E-mail 1: [email protected]
E-mail 2: [email protected]

A-HTML v1.1

July 2023 Changelog: