Macro Elements Tags
lrform tag with parameters
CTFORM custom tag
CTFORM is a custom contacts form with parameters
COLORCARD custom tags
COLORCARD and relevant tags are blurred and colored card tags
BLUECARD custom tags (obsolete)
BLUECARD and relevant tags are blurred and colored card tags
BLACKCARD custom tags (obsolete)
BLACKCARD and relevant tags are blurred and colored card tags
REDCARD custom tags (obsolete)
REDCARD and relevant tags are blurred and colored card tags
GREENCARD custom tags (obsolete)
GREENCARD and relevant tags are blurred and colored card tags
YELLOWCARD custom tags (obsolete)
YELLOWCARD and relevant tags are blurred and colored card tags
VIOLETCARD custom tags (obsolete)
VIOLETCARD and relevant tags are blurred and colored card tags
Single Elements Tags
textfield tag with parameters
EMAILFIELD custom tag
EMAILFIELD is a custom email input element
PASSFIELD custom tag
PASSFIELD is a custom password input element
DATEFIELD custom tag
DATEFIELD is a custom date input element
CHECK custom tagCHECK is a custom checkbox element
RADIO custom tagRADIO is a custom radiobox element
COLORBOX custom tagCOLORBOX is a custom colorbox selection element
UPLOAD custom tagUPLOAD is a custom upload element
SUBMIT custom tagSUBMIT is a custom submit element
RESET custom tagRESET is a custom reset element
SLIDER custom tagSLIDER is a custom slider input element
GROUP custom tag
GROUP is a custom grouping element
H0 custom tagH0 is a sizable header
BUBBLETEXT custom tagBUBBLETEXT is a shadowing/bordering tag for text
MUSIC custom tagMUSIC is an audio tag
BGMUSIC custom tagBGMUSIC is an background audio tag
Formatting Tags
BI - BU - IU custom tagBI - BU - IU are formatting tags
SHADOW custom tagSHADOW is a shadowing tag for text
MIRROR custom tagMIRROR is a reverse text tag tags
RIGHT - LEFT custom tagRIGHT and LEFT are alignment tags
Notice that formatting tags can be nested, using the following rules:
This code creates a font size 5 (big) mirrored red bold-italic text with grey shadow: <font size="5"> <bi><shadow color="grey" blur="2"><red><mirror> This text is multiformatted </mirror></red></shadow></bi> </font> Result:
Real-life use examples
Vivacity Design Web AgencyResponsabile: Alessandro DemontisE-mail 1: [email protected] |
A-HTML v1.1
July 2023 Changelog:
- COLORCARD created
- single color cards undefined image bug solved
- GROUP new attribute 'disabled' added